Valentine’s Day Hearts in Chinese {Mandarin}

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You’re so smart! 你真聪明! nǐ zhēn cōng míng!

You’re so strong! 你真强壮! nǐ zhēn qiáng zhuàng!

You’re so fast! 你真快! nǐ zhēn kuài!

You’re so cute! 你真可爱! nǐ zhēn kě ài!

You’re so handsome! 你真英俊! nǐ zhēn yīng jùn!

You’re so beautiful! 你真漂亮! nǐ zhēn piào liang!

You’re so good at school! 你在学校表现非常好! nǐ zài xué xiào biǎo xiàn fēi cháng hǎo!

You’re so good at sports! 你很擅长体育! nǐ hěn shàn cháng tǐ yù!

You always do such a good job! 你总是做得很好! nǐ zǒng shì zuò de hěn hǎo!

I love reading with you! 我喜欢和你一起读! wǒ xǐ huān hé nǐ yì qǐ dú!

I love when you sing! 我喜欢听你唱歌! wǒ xǐ huān tīng nǐ chàng gē!

You’re so funny! 你真好玩! nǐ zhēn hǎo wán!

You are so much fun! 你太有趣了! nǐ tài yǒu qù le!

Your hair looks great! 你的头发看起来很棒! nǐ de tóu fa kàn qǐ lái hěn bàng!

I love you! 我爱你! wǒ ài nǐ!

This free download comes with:

  • A PDF with 6 phrases to start using with your family.
  • A getting started guide to using phrases with your family.
  • and directions for finding the native speaker audio for the phrase in the app if you have the phrasebook!

Fill out the form to grab your copy.

Enjoy using these phrases with your family!



P.S.  If you want your friends to join in the fun, be sure to send everyone a link to this page, so they can also get their free Phrase of the Day Calendar!

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