You’re an awesome homeschool mom who believes in the method of unschooling. You want your kids to learn outside of the box without a structured curriculum to tell you what to do each day. You want your children to really explore the subjects that they are interested in! Those are some lucky kids!
TalkBox.Mom is an awesome choice for unschoolers because it’s not like a “formal” curriculum. The idea is to start using the foreign language phrases in your real life. And you choose the phrases in the new language that are the most relevant to your family’s day to day life. You can even take it a step further and have your children choose the phrases and language that they would like to work on!
If your child is choosing the phrases in the new language, they can’t help but learn them!
Answered by Eileen
- Unschooling families want the children to have an internal desire to learn something. Children are not learning things based on the exterior timelines of the world with boxes and forced curriculum.
- TalkBox.Mom will be chosen by a child who WANTS and ASKS to learn a foreign language.
- The child will choose the language.
- The child will choose phrases useful to their lives and the parents will participate in learning to language too, so conversations can be had as a whole family, making the language stick.
- Children will be actively using the language, thus forming meaning with the language. It will be useful for real world deep dive projects.
- Children won’t be forced to stay seated and study textbooks and do worksheets. Learning the language will be an active process.
To add TalkBox.Mom to your unschooling day, click here to get your first TalkBox.Mom box and phrasebook!
Will TalkBox.Mom fit into my unschooling homeschool style?
Answered by Eileen
Hey families!
I hear lots of questions about how TalkBox.Mom
fits in with different methods of homeschooling.
So let’s talk about the method of unschooling homeschooling.
We know that you are the type of family who want your children
to learn outside of the box.
You don’t want them to have a boxed curriculum that tells them
day, by day, by day what they need to know today, what they
need to know tomorrow,
what they need to know by the end of the year.
You want your children to just choose a subject that they’re
interested in, and take a deep dive into it. Do a project surrounding
that topic.
You also want your children to be able to play and learn
through playing, right?
They are little kids.
So, how are you going to learn a foreign language
if you’re unschoolers?
You don’t want a textbook, right?
You don’t want to learn “this page” on “this day.”
TalkBox.Mom is going to be perfect for you because TalkBox.Mom
is going to allow your family to choose phrases that
that are relevant to your family. Have your children choose
what phrase they want to learn today. All of you learn it,
and by maybe tomorrow, or the next day you are going to have
it down pat, you’re going to move on, and you’re going to choose
another phrase, and then another phrase, and you’re going to
keep adding on, and adding on. Have your child choose the language
that they want to learn.
Nobody’s going to make them sit in a desk and be crammed
a specific language into their brain to be regurgitated for a test,
never to be used again. With TalkBox.Mom,
if your child is choosing the language, and choosing the phrases,
they can’t help but learn the language!
So I think you’ll see that that really meshes
well with unschooling. Click the link below if you want to
find out how this is going to fit into your unschooling family!
To add TalkBox.Mom to your unschooling day, click here to get your first TalkBox.Mom box and phrasebook!
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