Foreign language programs can be pricey! It’s really tempting to fork out thousands of dollars towards learning a foreign language by hiring private tutors, taking college courses, or paying for expensive computer programs. Is there any possible way to learn a new language that won’t make you totally broke or up to your eyeballs in debt?
I am thrilled to give you the best news ever. YES! If you’re looking for a high quality, fair-priced, effective foreign language program, TalkBox.Mom has got you covered! For just one $80 box every 2 or 3 months, you get the equivalent of paying $600 for a one on one experience with a native speaker. Plus, that $80 box covers the entire cost for every member of your family!
If that weren’t awesome enough, you also will have lifetime access to our TalkBox.Mom Companion App with native speaker audio, which you can listen to over and over again! Talk about tons of value!
TalkBox.Mom will get your family actually talking in a foreign language the exact same day you start. For a fair price and high quality materials, this will be the best decision that you *didn’t* have to go into debt for!
Answered by Morgan
- TalkBox.Mom helps your family start talking in a new language the same day you start.
- One box is equal to over $600+ worth of native speaker tutoring, and includes that native speaker audio app, meaning your entire family can access high quality content for just $80.
- You can choose the frequency in which you receive boxes, meaning you can choose to order as many, or as few boxes as your budget allows. We want TalkBox to benefit your family, not become a burden, which is why we allow you to pause or cancel your subscription at any time.
To take advantage of a high quality language program, AKA TalkBox.Mom, without going into debt, click here!
How do I choose a high quality foreign language program without breaking the bank or going broke?
Answered by Morgan
Well, there’s going to be a variety of opinions on what
exactly constitutes a high value language program. TalkBox.Mom
is unique in the fact that we help your family start
talking, yes talking, in a foreign language the exact same
day you start. TalkBox.Mom can also be used with your entire
family. So, yes, one $80 box covers every member
of your family.
You don’t need to purchase additional materials or subscriptions
for each member. One box for your whole family.
It also comes with a native speaker audio that you can listen
to over, and over, and over again whenever you wish, and can
also be downloaded onto multiple devices. Each box equates
to about $600 worth of native speaker tutoring, which
while having a native speaker tutor is definitely great,
it also is not necessarily affordable, and you only have access
to that person maybe an hour or two every week. And you also
might be limited to only one or two members of your family
being able to work with that tutor. TalkBox.Mom, instead,
can be used with your whole family, and you can access
your materials, and the audio whenever your heart desires.
You can also choose the frequency that you receive your boxes.
So, there’s no need to lock yourself into a yearly subscription
or being forced to pay for every month.
If you’re not ready for your box or your family’s budget
doesn’t allow it,
then you can simply choose to pause or cancel your subscription
if you need to. TalkBox.Mom is extremely high value to
my family because it actually helps us to talk in the foreign
language versus memorizing vocabulary or grammatical rules
that doesn’t really allow us to apply them to our everyday
lives. I hope you’ll check it out,
and you’ll see that TalkBox.Mom is an extremely
high value language program that you can use with your entire family!
To take advantage of a high quality language program, AKA TalkBox.Mom, without going into debt, click here!
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