TalkBox.Mom seems really expensive. The truth is, it may cost more than other programs. But that is only because you are getting more! TalkBox.Mom is the only program with a native speaker using modern, everyday phrases. Combine this audio, the app, and colorful charts with common phrases we all use on a daily basis and you start to see why it is worth the money. A native speaking, private tutor that will talk in a foreign language with all of my family and cover the same amount of material in a single box would cost well over $600!
Answered by Eileen
-$80 may initially sound like a lot of money, and it might be to your individual family, but once you realize you are basically getting your own personal native speaker teaching you how to correctly talk in a foreign language you will see it’s well worth it!
-If you were to go try to find a native speaker in your community to teach you how to talk in a foreign language or ask her to record phrases for you it would cost you $600 for a quality native speaking tutor. TalkBox.Mom has done that for you for $80 a box.
-The printed posters and cards you get to hang around your house to remind you of phrases are so important and valuable when you want a quick way to recall the phrases.They are already done for you, no extra work!
To learn more about the TalkBox.Mom program, click here!
TalkBox.Mom seems really expensive. I can’t justify spending that much for a language program.
Answered by Eileen
Hi future TalkBox.Mom parents!
I know some of you are thinking, Talkbox.Mom
is kind of expensive.
I can’t justify spending that much money on a foreign language
program. I kind of felt the same way in the beginning when
I found this program.
Where was I going to find an extra $80 to spend on
a foreign language program? But as soon as I broke down and
purchased it, I realized what I was paying for.
I am so glad I found this program because of the native speaker
audio. There is not a program out there that’s going to
teach me real phrases that I’m going to be able to listen
to a native speaker say the phrases.
So, I can learn the way they’re saying the
words, slowly and at a normal speed. And I so appreciate that
aspect of this program!
If I were going to find someone in my community
to do the same thing;
it would likely cost me at least $600 for three-month personal
tutoring session, but TalkBox.Mom
has done that for me in an $80 TalkBox.
So although $80 is kind of a lot of money, if you’re on a
very tight budget like I am, it’s well worth it because of
the quality of the work.
I love, love, love the posters that I get to hang in my kitchen,
and in my bathroom, and all around the house as a constant
reminder to me to talk in my foreign language with my whole
family. I really appreciate that. And of course the native
speaker audio! So you can’t go wrong with just spending $80.
I believe you can fit it in your budget
like I was able to fit it in mine.
Click the link below if you want more information!
To learn more about the TalkBox.Mom program, click here!
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