In today’s busy world, it may seem impossible to add yet another thing to the to-do list. If talking in a foreign language as a family is something that is on your bucket list, then the easiest way is to just…start! It’s not about how fast you learn, but that you are taking baby steps in the right direction towards your goal. Taking just a few moments a day in the car, while eating dinner, or going to bed will build over time and you will see progress! We have a FREE Phrases of the Day calendar that might just be for you! It’s all about super short phrases. Start small and grow into longer phrases and longer time spent working on the phrases over time!
Answered by Eileen
- All parents are busy with maintaining the household, but TalkBox.Mom fits seamlessly into a family’s busy life. The phrases you will learn in a foreign language are the same phrases you say in English, you will just start replacing them.
- Everyone eats breakfast and dinner, uses the restroom, drives in a car to go to the store or dance or baseball practice, you have normal conversations around those daily events, but you will soon be having them in a new foreign language.
- A busy family can still learn one phrase a day or a few a week, its about choosing ONE meaningful phrase and sticking to it, until it is literally stuck in your brain. Next thing you know you will have TWO phrases down, and then THREE, and then you will be having a whole conversation.
- Do what you can!
To get the free Phrase of the Day calendar, click here!
Answered by Eileen
Hi busy parents!
I feel you on this question hardcore!
I already feel overwhelmed getting dinner ready; washing the
clothes. How am I going to be able to fit in talking in a
foreign language as a whole family into our busy schedule?
I personally homeschool my children, but I know there’s lots
of families who have two working parents and you cannot even
begin to think about how you’re going to talk in a foreign
language as a whole family. But TalkBox.Mom makes it
really easy for you!
You’re going to focus on small progress. You’re going to learn
one or two phrases a day, maybe even a week, and when you
add them up a little at a time, the next thing you know,
you’re going to be talking in a foreign language as a whole
family. Everyone has to cook dinner.
Everyone has to eat breakfast.
Everyone has to get in the car.
Everyone has to go to the bathroom.
So you’re going to be learning phrases that are relevant
to your life that you would be saying in English
anyways; so you’re just going to talk in Spanish, or French,
or German, or Chinese instead. So it’s not going to be
overwhelming because you’re already going to be talking. You’re
just going to be replacing those phrases one at a time.
So don’t feel like it’s going to be one more thing to add
to your list.
We can all do it.
I was able to do it.
We’re learning a little at a time, just as we go, and you can
do it too! Click the link below if you have any questions
To get the free Phrase of the Day calendar, click here!
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