At TalkBox.Mom, we help families to start talking in another language the ✨same day✨ you start with our subscription box series and companion app with native speaker audio.
And we have thousands of children three and under benefiting from the TalkBox.Mom program.

Some of these little ones are using TalkBox.Mom with just their mom, dad, parents, or grandparent.
Some are learning alongside older siblings up to the high school age.
Some have been adopted from a country that speaks the language the family is learning.
Others are born into a family who have already been using TalkBox.Mom, and now they have a new baby to use special phrases with!
But these families all have two things in common: they want to be able to use another language with their child and they want it to work with—not against—their busy schedule.
But how do you use TalkBox.Mom if your newborn, baby, or toddler doesn’t talk yet? 🧐 Especially if you’re hanging on just trying to speak English?!
I love this question! 💕
As a mom to a new baby or toddler, your day (and night) is demanding AND hard doing the same things, again and again, to take care of your little one.
It’s not realistic to add something new to your schedule because you’re less in charge of your schedule than you have ever been. A cry, a blowout, and a MUST NEEDED nap can cancel out even the best of plans and intentions. With tears in your eyes and the plea for rest in your mind, you can feel pulled in so many directions as it feels like nothing is getting done, and you don’t need another to-do.
That’s why we don’t need to do more to learn a language. You actually just need to do what you’re already doing. This is the PERFECT time to easily add a language to your day. ⏳
Right now, you’re already teaching your baby English just by talking as you do the same repetitive tasks to take care of your little one—even though they can’t talk yet themselves. This is a crucial stage of language development.
Every time you talk as you soothe, feed, and play with your baby, you’re teaching your child to talk.
As you’re showing up right now, you’re already successfully teaching a language.
We, parents, teach babies and toddlers all over the world to talk at a native level—the most coveted level of a language. 💁♀️ That’s more than a professor can accomplish.
Before our kids ever learn GRAMMAR, READING, and WRITING, they can talk at a very advanced level.
And you’re making that happen even if you haven’t washed your hair for days. 👑 You’re amazing!
At TalkBox.Mom, we just copy the most successful language teachers in the world!
👸🏽 Moms + Dads 🤴🏻
TalkBox.Mom will help you to talk in another language while making it feel just as easy as teaching your first language.
With TalkBox.Mom, it doesn’t take up a bunch of extra time. You only take 2-4 minutes as you give your baby a bottle or nurse or feed your toddler. (Better than just scrolling the ‘gram, right?) Then you use what you’ve learned together throughout your day because you’re adding the language to what you’re ALREADY doing.
For example, you might take two minutes to learn how to say, “Let’s change your diaper,” in French and practice saying it with either your baby present or while your baby dozes off. Then right before you change another diaper, you can say the phrase in French.
And you change diapers all over the place! At home. While out grocery shopping. Traveling abroad in the most inconvenient moment imaginable. You can use our program and the phrases in it wherever life takes you.
With each diaper change—wherever it is—you help your child make the association between what you’re saying and what you’re doing, and you get better at saying the phrase with the native speaker audio. And your baby is exposed to French from both you listening to and repeating with the native speaker audio.
You’re giving your child an advantage by starting this young! Before the age of four, your child can hear the sounds in every language. However, as these sounds are not used, these connections weaken. 🥀
If you use another language now, your child will easily hear these sounds, which has a dramatic impact on their accent when they speak another language. 👶🏾👂🏾
Plus, learning to add another language to your life helps everyone bond with the baby. Even older children because you’re doing an activity with a little one who might not be doing a whole lot besides looking cute and growing. Now older siblings can help practice French with the baby, and you all know that it’s actually helping!
And learning to add a language to your day will save your mom-brain too! You’ll keep your brain stimulated as you change yet another diaper because you’re doing it in another language! 🧠 💁♀️ This was life-saving for me as a new mom. Another blowout wasn’t just a poopy mess that I didn’t want to bear right then. It was an opportunity to use German and Spanish with my little ones.
But what about their English? Won’t learning another language mess up their English?
Research shows that learning another language improves their English.

So if you’re hesitating because you’ve heard a myth NOT backed up by research that their English will be messed up, you can laugh with the rest of us and do what your heart is whispering to you to do: talk to your baby in another language! ✌️
Next Steps
Instead of getting swallowed up in this busy but beautiful time in your life and letting this window of opportunity pass you by, you can take one daily baby feeding a day to recharge your brain by learning a new phrase with TalkBox.Mom and start adding another language to your life.
Each day, you’ll be able to use more and more of the language, and when this year flies before your eyes, you’ll look back and see the amazing progress you have made. You’ll be speaking another language, and you’ll look at your baby and say, “We did this together!”
If it’s on your heart to teach your baby another language, we’re here to encourage you to raise your baby how you want. You are enough! We know you can do this!
Get started by choosing your language here. And be sure to add in the phrasebook at checkout. It has so many great phrases to use with your newborn, baby, toddler, and beyond.
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