Is TalkBox.Mom Just for Moms?

The room was suddenly dead silent, so I asked the question again.

“Who are the most successful language teachers in the world?”

My voice projected through a speaker to a group of parents seated with their children at a conference last week.

Everyone stared at me… uncertain of the answer.

I have never had no one answer that question.

I gave them a second. But still nothing…

So I looked at an eight year old sitting next to her mom and asked, “Who taught you to speak English?”

Instantly, she turned and looked at her mom, and said, “My mom!”

Then I asked a sixteen year old wearing a neon green shirt sitting next to his parents. 

Slowly, he said, “My dad.. and my mom?”

Yes, YOU taught your children to talk.

As parents, we teach children all over the world to speak at a native level.

Whether our floors are made of dirt or marble, we teach our kids to talk at the most coveted language level.

We, us parents, are the most successful language teachers in the world.

We have the highest success rate.

And that is why I love the word “mother tongue.”

Someone’s mother tongue is the language they grew up speaking from childhood from their parents talking to them. 

It’s this beautiful acknowledgement of mothers passing their language on, and that is how I wanted TalkBox.Mom to feel.

I wanted it to feel like a mother in her country passing her language to your family, creating an experience where you sound like you have been speaking since childhood.

That is why we are called TalkBox.Mom.

That “.Mom” stands for the only program that gives you this experience at such a genuine and cost effective level:

  • we follow the same process your family used to successfully learn their first language
  • we only work with native speakers who grew up in the country of where your language is spoken
  • and we have created such a cost effective immersion experience that if a family of four used one box every two months, it would only cost $2.50 per person per week

We are the only language immersion program of its kind where your whole family is guided down the path towards fluency to where the language is a part of your everyday life. 

And that’s because we know who the most successful language teachers in the world are.

And we know that you are one of them.

You can successfully take your family on this journey if you’re a dad, mom, grandma, grandpa, nanny, aunt, or uncle.

You will all have the dot Mom experience.

Ready for it? Use the code “Mom” to get $30 off your first box and book this week only.  



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