The TalkBox.Mom High School Experience is customizable for your high schooler’s goals and learning needs (gifted, disabilities) as well as the necessary standards in your state and standards for specific universities.
You can focus solely on talking and listening, use our trimester and final tests, and/or work your way up our fluency layers into reading, writing, and more formal grammar. The choice is yours–but either way, your child will be confidentially using a foreign language with TalkBox.Mom.
First, as standards vary from state to state and even between school districts, it’s important to check with your school district and state standards to be sure that any foreign language program you are considering meets their standards.
With that said, the TalkBox.Mom Program is equivalent to 3 credit hours of a foreign language, meaning you can use the TalkBox.Mom Program for all 3 years or complete fewer boxes and stop at 2 years.
For each credit hour (typically 120 hours), three boxes need to be completed with the phrasebook being used throughout. This means three boxes can be completed over 120 hours, which is the typical amount of hours for one high school credit.

The boxes do go in a specific order as there is less English and more phrases as you work forward. You can also do more with your later boxes by building on your phrases in earlier boxes. This experience would be missed or dulled if you skipped ahead.
So if you want to complete two credit hours of a foreign language, you would complete six boxes while using the phrasebook throughout.
If you want to complete three credit hours, you would complete nine boxes while using the phrasebook throughout.
Note, most states require that you complete 2 credit hours in the SAME language. This means that you cannot complete 1 credit in one language and 1 credit in another.
Also note, some states, school districts, or colleges have specific languages that “count.” You don’t want to choose a language outside of their list. Always check with your state, school, district, or potential college.
TalkBox.Mom starts with fluency. Whereas most language programs start with grammar and have you translate in your head, TalkBox.Mom has you use and understand the phrases in the language, building connections in your brain between what is being said and what is meant. This is fluency. Translating in your head is not fluency.
Once you can speak and understand phrases in the language, then it’s time to work on reading and writing. Alternatively, if you start reading and writing before speaking and understanding, you will be translating in your head and, worse, learning to read words that you haven’t heard pronounced. That’s a slow and backward process, which also leaves students not being able to SPEAK the language after completing their high school requirement.
Our goal is for your student to do much more than check a box. We want your student to have life-changing results. This means that your child can use the language, opening up opportunities in their education, future occupation, community, and travel experiences.
Because TalkBox.Mom starts with fluency, there isn’t beginning, intermediate, and advanced. There are fluency layers:

If you purchase your boxes and phrasebook, you will be able to either (1) only focus on the first layer (talking and listening) for your 120 credit hours or (2) lay the foundation for the first fluency layer and then build on that layer for your 120 credit hours each year.
Yes, with so many phrases and ways to practice them, you’ll definitely be able to hit 120 hours of use from your three boxes if you only focus on the Talking and Listening Layer. Plus, if you can use your phrases really well, it’s SO MUCH FASTER to add on the other layers. So you choose how deep you want to go with your student.
You can also choose to complete tests with TalkBox.Mom if this is a requirement or interest to you.
If your student is college-bound and completing the third year with TalkBox.Mom, we recommend completing the other fluency layers to show proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
As with any foreign language program, check with specific colleges and universities to understand their transcript requirements.
At TalkBox.Mom, we have done all the complicated, busy work for you, so your family jumps right in to get real results. You might feel like, wait, this is so easy! Yes, it is. Don’t complicate it. We prepared everything you need, so you can focus on what matters: really, actually, totally using the language!

Time Overview Sample
Step 1: Choose your Phrases
2 – 10 minutes
Step 2: Practice your Phrases
20-40 minutes
Step 3: Use your Phrases
15 minutes – All Day Long
Perfect for one-hour lessons, 45-minute lessons, or multiple short lessons in one day!
Note: If you have a one-room schoolhouse, your entire family can spend less time on Step 2 and your high school student can then work on the fluency layers for phrases they are using easily to fill in that time. This way, your family can keep a solid pace together, not overwhelm your younger students, and meet the required credit hours for your high school student.

The TalkBox.Mom Experience focuses on using the language every single day. This is vital to really being able to use a language. You need to use the language as a family. At least two of you.
Students who spend one hour a week with only a tutor or never practicing speaking are at a huge disadvantage. This is like signing your child up for piano lessons but not allowing them to play the piano in between lessons but just read and listen to music. That’s not worth your money, right!? You would never happily do that. You want your child to practice to get your money’s worth and see progress.
This is the same thing for a foreign language–except playing the piano is using the language with other people throughout the day. You want to do that a lot.
If this feels overwhelming to do as a parent, just remember who taught your kids to speak English. YOU! Before they ever learned grammar or vocabulary, they learned from talking with you. And you learned your first language by talking as life happens. TalkBox.Mom is perfect for parents that know nothing or all the things because we use your natural abilities to teach a language successfully as a parent that most language teachers trample all over.
You have all the skills required, and this experience will change your life as well. If you want your child to dream big, show them how now!

The first step is to make sure you have 1-5 phrases chosen that your family will start using today. You might be working on some of the same phrases from the day before and adding in a couple of new ones to keep your 1-5 phrases.
To choose the phrases, your high school student will look over the guide and choose 1-5 phrases they could see your family saying that day. If you have a one-room schoolhouse, other children can choose a phrase. If you have many children, you can rotate who gets to choose. Also, you can choose a phrase or too after your kids are done if you need a couple more to hit, say, five if you’re trying to do five phrases daily.
Why not choose 15-30 phrases? Well, this is a great life skill to learn as well. If you focus on less, you can get more done even faster and at a higher quality. Studies show this, and our customer success team knows the families who succeed, even the super eager ones, make more progress this way.
Also, do not skip a phrase because your family doesn’t typically say that phrase. As your kids get older, you talk less and less. To learn a language, you have. to. talk. So choose to learn the phrase if the phrase won’t kill or hurt someone (like don’t offer a person who is deadly allergic to peanuts some peanuts to eat to learn a phrase). Using new phrases is how you learn a language. You fill your home with that language. You can’t do that if you skip every phrase because your family is lazy about talking to each other.
If a phrase ever seems too young for your child, remember that you are laying the foundation of the language spoken in the home. This means, your student will be able to mix and match phrases to speak fluently like native speakers because they know how to really use the language. Yes, just like your kids were able to talk and then took science courses and continued to add in new vocabulary. If you continue to skip phrases that you have totally have the situations to use but choose not to because you’re “too” whatever for it, you won’t be preparing your child to speak in varied situations and with people who have different interests than themselves. These phrase patterns are important.
You can start a TalkBox.Mom Challenge by choosing the highest priority phrases and working your way down until you hit your time limit for that challenge. During your review and if time permitting, you get to the dried fruit phrase but your student thinks dried fruit is disgusting, you can totally offer that food daily while they practice saying, “No, it’s gross!” Plus, “dry” is a high-frequency word, and you just taught it to them as an adjective. You’re welcome!
After you have chosen your phrases from your guide, you will heart those 1-5 phrases in your TalkBox.Mom Companion App (included in your purchase). This way, all your learning phrases will show up on your learning list, which is quickly accessed from the home screen of the app! This is really handy if you’re choosing 3 phrases from your challenge, one from your phrasebook, and one from your homeschool phrases guide. They’ll all be in one spot! Plus, everyone in your immediate family in your household can access the same view from their device.
We recommend choosing the bulk of your phrases from your challenge because you will learn those phrases faster with the patterns we use to help you learn quickly. The phrasebook and homeschool phrases are meant to be used to add in one or two phrases a day that are more varied and interest-based.
If your state, school, or district requires a written record of your work each day, we recommend having your student use the Power Practice Planner or a notebook to record their work. In the Power Practice Planner or notebook, your student would write down the date and the phrases to create part of that daily record. As we take you through step 2 and step 3, we will explain how to add more information to your record for that day.

Now that your 1-5 phrases are chosen, it’s time to practice them!

First, open up your learning section in the app, and make sure “autoplay” is off.
Next, your high schooler will announce in English what the native-speaking woman is going to say. If this is too much pressure for your high school student or they have a reading disability, you can announce the phrase or have your family members who can read take turns.
Then, hit play on that phrase while your family repeats with the native speaker. While repeating, it’s super important to note that you should NOT correct your student’s pronunciation, and they should not correct yours, a sibling’s, or another parent’s. When you and your child were babies, you could actually hear all the sounds in every language. But as these sounds were not used, you stopped being able to hear them around age four. Now it will take a couple of weeks to a couple of months to re-hear them. It doesn’t happen instantly.
If you focus on correct pronunciation now, it will frustrate, embarrass, and confuse your student. (Psssst. If they can’t hear the difference yet, they can’t fix it! You’re wasting time and lowering confidence.) Focus on having fun while listening to the audio A LOT to help those sounds open back up in your brains.
After your family repeats the phrase, you or your high school student asks what the phrase means. Your family replies in English. If your family already forgot what the phrase meant, start again by announcing the phrase, repeating the phrase with the native speaker, and asking what the phrase means again.
As you continue to practice the phrase after listening to it using some of the suggestions below (pick and choose the ones that resonate the best with your student), you’ll find your family playing the audio again and again to help your student and yourself easily say the phrase. You should never feel like you have to strain yourself to remember how to say a phrase. You want to hear it again to build that connection in your brain faster. Straining yourself doesn’t do that as well! So be ready to hit that play button A LOT. (This is why families learn faster with TalkBox.Mom than with just an hourly paid tutor. No one will roll their eyes at you for forgetting or get burnt out from reminding you so many times!)
Now, it’s time to practice that phrase in a situation. You or your high schooler will come up with a situation where you can use that phrase. For example, if the phrase is, “I’m hungry,” they can walk in from outside and say the phrase to you, say the phrase while staring at their phone, or even while watching a movie or playing a video game. Or you can put food on the table and say, “I’m hungry.” TalkBox.Mom is completely customizable for any age group because you can choose the situation.
For example, a younger student might learn to ask for a fruit or vegetable. A high school student would learn to ask their siblings or you if you would like a fruit or vegetable and get that item for you, using more of the phrases in the process. So if you feel like you don’t say a phrase to your child, flip it and see if your child can use the phrase to help out more with you and your family. (They are practically adults, so they can! Well, as parents, we can only hope. lol)
This is a great way to practice phrases if you don’t want to stand up. You know those days? Yeah.
You can do this in a couple of ways.
First, you could say, for example, the phrase, “Go to the car,” like…
- you are all running super late,
- the house is on fire, or
- it’s time to go to your MIL’s house
Each of these phrases are going to carry different emotions. As your student imagines the situation and uses emotion, they develop a stronger connection to the phrase.
Another way you can do this is to relate an experience back and ask how your student would say the phrase. Like, remember our last road trip, and we missed the exit we were going to stop at to eat, and there wasn’t another stop for 100 miles. How would have you said, “I’m really hungry!” in that situation?
Your student can also think of previous experiences, which will deepen their connections. Give them time to think. It’s time well spent.
Alternatively, you can use our emotions guide to choose any emotion and say the phrase with that emotion.
Your high school student can also say the phrase how their favorite character would say the phrase or use, like, a valley girl voice.
Once the first phrase has been practiced with the audio, in situations, and/or with emotions, go on to the next phrase by practicing it in the app. Continue in this way until you have practiced all 1-5 phrases.
When practicing 5 phrases, this can take around 30 to 40 minutes.
The TalkBox.Mom Program also has many printables to practice phrases. You can print these out and practice your phrases with games that fit your child’s interests and age.
For example, while some students would like a competitive memory or bingo game, others might want to use nerf guns to pick their cards.
Note, printables are totally optional and secondary to practicing the phrases in situations and with emotions.
For Step 2, your student can note in their written record which phrases were listened to and repeated and how the phrases were practiced. They can even sketch out the situations and use speech bubbles to make a short comic to record the example. If you’re using the Day 1 App with video as part of your record, you can add video clips of your student using the phrases. (Note, your school or district has to be okay with written record mixed with video for the student’s record or portfolio.)

(Remember, if your student has disabilities or is not interested in doing more, you do not have to do any fluency layers or activities. You can skip “Adding Fluency Layers to Step 2” and “Adding Fluency Activities to Step 2.” You will still be able to complete 120 credit hours.)
If your student is easily understanding and using a phrase in your everyday life, they can start building on that fluency for that phrase. We do recommend completing the first box and then starting fluency work on that entire box; however, if you have a one-room schoolhouse, it might be necessary to start sooner taking specific phrases through each layer. If that’s the case, make sure your high school student easily uses and understands that phrase and is MAXING OUT that phrase with their sibling(s) and/or you, so you can keep the same pace together.
Fluency Activities are other immersion language activities you can add to your experience, like listening or singing music, watching television shows, and reading books or blog posts.
The basis of all fluency activities is the talking and listening layer! It’s very important that you are hearing and using your phrases. To add to your experience, you can plan out fluency activities throughout your week or one per week.
You should always choose activities that reflect your student’s current layer or foundational layers under it. Don’t skip ahead. Your student will learn slower than they would have if they had a stronger foundation.
For this layer, we recommend watching shows, movies, listening to music, listening to podcasts, listening to the radio, and talking with native speakers.
As you listen to something new, it’s important to listen for the phrases you do know while writing down a couple of words you don’t know to look up. We teach this skill in our program.
For this layer, we recommend starting with books where your student doesn’t know 1-5 words max per page and build up their reading level in this manner. This is super important for fluency and to avoid burnout.
As you use more phrases, you’ll be able to advance in your reading level while maintaining fluency.
Your student can both read these books and use them for copywork. We teach this skill in our program as well.
In addition to books, we recommend poems, songs, blogs, social media posts, newspaper articles, and magazines.
For this layer, we also recommend choosing material where your student doesn’t know 1-5 words at most every couple of minutes.
Your student can transcribe a youtube video, song, poem, tv show, movie, or podcast.

This is the most important step. The goal of the program. Your family wants to focus on USING the phrases you are learning in your everyday life. This requires talking more out loud and is extremely important.
This does not mean that you have to have the phrases memorized. Nope. The opposite. You want to use the phrases so many times that your family memorizes them as everyone makes important connections in their brains from hearing the phrase used as life happens.
This means that there is no such thing as cheating in Step 3. Whenever it’s safe, like you’re not, say, driving, you want to look at your phrase as often as you need to. Don’t deprive yourself. This won’t help you learn as fast. If you forget how to say a phrase or your child does as well, play the phrase again in the app. No eye rolls or scoffing. This is the most important part of your work.
The more times you look at how to say a phrase or listen and practice saying it, the stronger the connection is going to be made in your brain. This is why younger siblings who even have severe disabilities start speaking a foreign language. You’re doing the most important work for language acquisition here.
If needed, your family could spend 15 minutes trying to use as many phrases as you know while you do things around the house.
However, we recommend using the phrases your family has previously worked on throughout your day or afternoon and then making a conscious choice to use the phrases you are learning that day together as well. This looks like talking out loud as much as possible. Maybe even going out of your way to use a phrase a couple of times.
Your high school student should have a goal of using those phrases with your or your siblings 2-10 times that day. Choose a reasonable number for your child if necessary.
If you have practiced your phrases in real situations, you’ll notice that it becomes easier and easier to use these phrases when life is fast-paced, stressful, or… you’re just having a lazy day.
If you, your student, or a sibling does not understand a phrase being said, by all means, say that phrase again in English and then the foreign language again. We call this the “ice cream sandwich.” Students learn much faster than if they have to guess. It’s also really annoying to older students to be confused, so eliminate that. Soon the English will slip away, and you won’t need it anymore.
High school students that are learning faster than younger siblings need to USE the phrases A LOT with their younger siblings, so you can keep the same pace. Remember, this program is not about what you “know” but about what you can “use.” So if a younger student can’t remember the phrases, the high school student should use the phrases so often that it (1) counts towards their foreign language time and (2) helps the younger student learn the phrase over time as your family moves on to another phrase. As long as the phrase is being used with a younger student, you can move forward and mark those phrases to review on a weekly or every couple of day basis.
Because TalkBox.Mom helps you to learn many phrase patterns and foundational phrases, you’ll find that your family starts to use your own phrases.
For example, let’s say you worked on the phrase, “Where did I put the baby bag?” because you also have a baby in your home. In this case, your high school student would be able to say many things like, “Where did I put my backpack?” or “Where did I put the remote control?” or “Where did you put the remote control?” And if you worked on the phrase, “Have you seen my keys?” Your student would also be able to say things like, “Have you seen my backpack?” or “Have you seen the remote control?”
As you work further into the program, your student will start combining longer sentences. This will also happen for yourself and also younger students if you have a one-room schoolhouse.
This happens because your brain was literally designed to learn a language by hearing it used. Your brain takes these patterns and extracts words and the patterns themselves. This is how little children acquire speech. They do not take verbs and nouns and adjectives and suddenly build sentences. They mix and match what they hear.
Your brain is still very good at this. So by learning patterns and foundational phrases with us, we help you to become unstoppable in the language as you work through your fluency activities. Another reason to stay curious and learn to use as many phrases as possible.
Your student can note how often and when they used their phrase that day on their written record. The Power Practice Planner has a specific spot to record that phrases were used as life happens because this is such an important step.

Please set a timer for yourself to do as much as possible in one challenge over a 3 week period. Then move on to the next challenge for a 3 week period. And then go through the last challenge over the last 3 week period. If you are hitting your time requirement and putting in the work, you will be just fine hitting the phrases most important to you first and then coming back to review your three challenges before your next box arrives.
Remember, the goal is to be USING the phrases. You do not need to have them memorized to keep moving forward. As long as your family is using the phrases even if you have to peek or read the guide, keep moving. You’ll learn these phrases over time as they begin to feel second nature from using them so much.
We recommend building in regular review time in your schedule. Reviewing for most students is MORE valuable than charging forward.
You can map out a regular day to review, say every Friday, or create a one-week review period. If you’re working on a box every three months, you can initially go through each challenge over a three-week period, and then spend a full week reviewing each challenge before your next box comes.
When you’re reviewing a specific challenge, you will work through more phrases in a day at a faster pace. For example, a 7 and 10-year old who have gone through Challenge 1 can review all the phrases in under 5 minutes. Your high school student can definitely do that as well. It seriously gets so much easier as you move forward! What might seem overwhelming now will feel like nothing later.
During your review time, you can practice phrases you are already using as well as pick up any new phrases during that week as your focus phrases. You will learn those new phrases faster because you have so many foundational phrases from that challenge completed, and there is a sense of confidence because you have worked through the challenge and are coming back to it.
If you are going to use a TalkBox.Mom test, we recommend, as the parent, looking ahead at the test and being sure to review any phrases that are covered on it. Your kids will be sure to ace the test since you’ll be intentionally using the phrases in your daily life.

A timeline for the release of the tests will be announced in Fall 2024.
Our tests focus on celebrating what your child CAN do. These tests look very similar to parts of the CLEP test but without the anxiety. Your student will be very familiar with the answers if you are easily using the phrases from your challenges. These tests take phrases you have learned and allow you to choose the correct vocabulary word, grammar, or meaning, which your student should easily have a very good ear for after using your phrases.
Depending on your state, you might be able to issue a Pass/Fail grade if your student has put in the work without even using a test. However, if semester/trimester and final tests are required, we recommend using our tests as they are released (or simply testing your student on how to say 15 phrases from each challenge and also what 15 other phrases mean). Although our tests are written, they have audio, so your child can still select the correct answer by listening, making them also perfect for students with reading disabilities or students who are only focusing on the first fluency layer in our program.
To get started with TalkBox.Mom, choose your language and order your first box and book. Keep yourself on a shipping schedule of every 3 months. Then move your ship date after your third box to be at the beginning of the next school year.
You can purchase all nine boxes for all three years at once to save money. Or you can order one box at a time. Whatever fits better for your budget.
Remember that for a family of four doing a box every two months, the TalkBox.Mom Program comes out to $2.50 per family member per week. This is the most cost-effective way to have such a rich immersion experience that gives you the results you want!
Note, as included in our terms and copyright agreement, your purchase is not transferable or available for resale because it is also digital. However, you can use it for all your immediate family members in your household.
The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) offers language tests for Spanish, French, and German that test listening, reading, and writing skills. This exam is used by high school students to receive college credits. (Note, this is not recommended by our friends at College Prep Genius because too many college credits can disqualify your student from being an incoming freshman and receiving scholarships tied to this status.)
As of the time of this post, this is the format of the test:
15% of the test is listening comprehension through short oral exchanges.
25% of the test is listening comprehension through longer spoken selections.
60% of the test is reading including:
- 16% of vocabulary and sentence structure in short sentences
- 20% of vocabulary and structure in passages
- 24% of reading comprehension in passages and authentic foreign language materials, like an invitation to an event or an ad in the newspaper
Colleges award different amounts of credit based on the student’s test scores. The American Council on Education (ACE) recommends a credit-granting score of 50 for each CLEP exam. The scores are out of 80 points, so your student might need to get 62% of the test correct for one credit and more for two credits.
Remember, this is a TEST and although your student might understand everything being read or spoken, it is still written to “trick” students, so test skills are a must for a test like this. Even native Spanish speakers taking the test have reported being surprised at how difficult the questions are worded to trick students.
TalkBox.Mom is NOT a test prep course. For the CLEP test, you might want to complete all 9 Boxes while working on the first two fluency layers with many various fluency activities while also completing a test prep course.
Alternatively to the CLEP test, most foreign language professors are SO EXCITED when a student can already speak and read. This means they are ready for 300 and 400 level courses, which are way more fun for professors because they cover literature. (This is what these people live for!) Colleges get many students clogged in the 100 and 200 level courses that don’t develop good speaking, listening, and talking skills due to the focus on grammar, reading, and writing. These students are… quiet in 300 and 400 level course discussions.
In some 100 level college courses, the professor or teaching assistant will ask in the foreign language if anyone understands them, then they talk with that student in the language to determine where to place them. Although the student might not get credit for previous course work, the student can be placed in a more suitable level. This completely depends on the university.
Our mission at TalkBox.Mom is life-changing results.
We want your student to do much more than “say” they did well on a test but not actually be able to talk.
It’s important to us that when your student is in a job interview later in life, they can actually use that language in the interview… not say they took two years.
It’s important to us that when your student is considering options to deepen their education, they will have more opportunities because they can actually use the language… not say they took two years.
It’s important to us that when your student is up for a promotion, they are chosen because they can use a language, helping more customers or being able to work with an international office because they can actually use the language… not say they took two years.
And it’s equally important to us that your student will be able to connect with extended family if they speak that language or be able to serve in your community if there are community members that speak that language.
Now is the time for your child to develop a skill that will change their life. And with TalkBox.Mom, you know your child will be successful when they leave your home. And when someone asks how they learned that language, they will recall this experience with you and how you taught them to work consistently towards their goals.
- Your family will actually be talking in a foreign language–not just learning grammar lessons and translating everything in your head. That’s not fluency. TalkBox.Mom starts with fluency.
- Many parents in our program find that they learn to use more of a language in our first four boxes than in their Bachelor’s program focused on that language.
- Instead of starting with reading, writing, and grammar, our program follows the natural language progression, ending with reading, writing and grammar–just like your children did with English. (How well could your kids speak English before they started grammar lessons? Yes, we do it the way your brain was born to learn.)
- TalkBox.Mom can be used for a one-room schoolhouse. Your entire family can learn to talk together in the foreign language because fluency doesn’t go beginning, intermediate, and advanced. It actually works in layers, and the foundational layer is talking and listening, which everyone can participate in. However, high schoolers are able to facilitate the process more as well as do other fluency layers if desired. Younger children can then do more fluency layers when they reach high school.
- As our core program focuses on talking and listening, students with disabilities who speak English are able to thrive in our program and become confident speaking a second language, opening up opportunities for their future education and careers.