Learn Spanish By Singing: Arroz con Leche

Arroz con Leche is a song about wanting to get married to a señorita.

The Spanish below is the lyrics to the song. The English is to help you understand the Spanish. The English is not meant to be sung. But the Spanish totally is!


Step 1. Read the Spanish lyrics while looking at the English to understand what it is saying.

Step 2. Listen to the Spanish song while reading along.

Step 4. Read the Spanish again while looking at the English.

Step 5. Practice singing the song until it just becomes so easy.

If the video is missing or there is a problem, please leave a comment, and we will fix it asap.


Arroz con leche.
Me quiero casa
con una señorita de la capital
que sepa coser que sepa bordar
que sepa abrir la puerta para ir a jugar.
Con ésta sí con ésta no, con esta señorita me caso yo.

Yo soy la viudita del barrio del Rey.
Me quiero casar y no sé con quien.
Con esta sí. Con esta no.
Con esta señorita me caso yo.


Rice with milk
I want to get married
with a lady from the capital
that knows how to sew that knows how to embroider
that knows how to open the door to go out and play.
With this one yes with this one no, with this lady I will marry.

I am the little widow from the king’s neighborhood.
I want to get married, but I don’t know to whom.
With this one yes. With this one no.
With this lady will I marry.

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