Learn Spanish By Singing: A Mi Burro Le Duele La Cabeza

A Mi Burro Le Duele La Cabeza is about a donkey whose head hearts. The doctor gives him differently clothing items to help him feel better.

The Spanish below is the lyrics to the song. The English is to help you understand the Spanish. The English is not meant to be sung. But the Spanish totally is!


Step 1. Read the Spanish lyrics while looking at the English to understand what it is saying.

Step 2. Listen to the Spanish song while reading along.

Step 4. Read the Spanish again while looking at the English.

Step 5. Practice singing the song until it just becomes so easy.

If the video is missing or there is a problem, please leave a comment, and we will fix it asap.


A mi burro a mi burro
le duele la cabeza,
el médico le manda
una gorrita gruesa.

Una gorrita gruesa,
mi burro enfermo está.
A mi burro, a mi burro
le duelen las orejas,
el médico le manda
que las ponga muy tiesas.

Que las ponga muy tiesas,
una gorrita gruesa,
mi burro enfermo está.

A mi burro, a mi burro
le duele la garganta,
el médico le manda
una bufanda blanca.

Una bufanda blanca,
que las ponga muy tiesas,
una gorrita gruesa
mi burro enfermo está.

A mi burro, a mi burro
le duele el corazón,
el médico le manda
jarabe de limón.

Jarabe de limón,
una bufanda blanca,
que las ponga muy tiesas,
una gorrita gruesa,
mi burro enfermo está.

A mi burro, a mi burro
le duele la cabeza.
El médico le manda
una gorrita gruesa.

Una gorrita gruesa,
mi burro enfermo está.
A mi burro, a mi burro
le duelen las orejas.
El médico le manda
que las ponga muy tiesas.


my burro my burro
has a headache
The doctor sends him
A thick hat

A thick hat
My burro is sick
my burro my burro
Has an ear ache
The doctor sends him
to hold them stiff

To hold them stiff
a thick hat
My burro is sick

My burro, my burro
Has a sore throat
The doctor sends him
a white scarf

A white scarf
To hold them stiff
a thick hat
My burro is sick

My burro, my burro
Has a heart ache
The doctor sends
Lemon syrup

Lemon syrup
a white scarf
to keep them stiff
a thick hat
My burro is sick

My donkey, my donkey
has a headache.
The doctor sends him
a thick hat.

A thick hat.
My donkey is sick.
My donkey, my donkey
has an ear ache.
The doctor sends him
to hold them stiff.

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